GOD THE BEAUTIFUL LOVER self by Himself as an experiencer.' But the bliss potency of God could not have a full play in creation ; for the intrinsic self-hood of God is hidden by the play of Maya- sakti. Nevertheless, it is all play, all fun, creation is. Swami Vivekananda said to Sister Nivedita:—"You know we have a theory that the universe is God's manifestation of Himself just for fun . . . ! Play—it was all play . . . just play with the Lord. Say: it (life) is all play, it is all play." But though an out-pouring of a particle of joy whose endless container He Himself is, the universe is not the proper theatre for God's 'beatific' sports, and however much it might be appreciated by us as the divine musical love-drama, an exquisite cinema-picture with its endless panorama of colours and forms, yet the Master- hand of the Artist, the Baton of the Conductor, and the play with the technique of Instrument, expanding or contracting our vision, remain dark to us owing to May a. There is a meaning of delight in the gramophone disc, but unless we hear the music speaking feelingly to the heart, the revolving disc is nothing to us. Similarly, if the universe is a feast of love and sacrifice, we must first receive the message of joy through the magic of personality, before we can hope to realize and appreciate it in its proper perspective. But owing to the working of May a in her dual aspects, analogous to the Efficient Cause and the Material Cause in the Aristotelian system, we cannot see the eternal play of the bliss potency of God in this 'existential' universe, and thus the intrinsic self-hood of God, the essential Krishnaism, is not revealed to us. We all love to look at the sun, drinking, in a rich draught, the overflowing health and beauty, when the eastern horizon is flushed with the first pink of the morn. But at the blazing summer noon, the bright halo of the sun simply 197